Timberwolf Support Organization


About our Scholarships

The Timberwolf Support Organization (TSO), the parent support group for Tualatin High School, is funding scholarships using donations from parents and local community members.  A minimum of three $1,000.00 scholarships will be awarded, (not to exceed a total amount of $5,000.00), to graduating Tualatin High School seniors who have plans to continue their education. Students will have the opportunity to explain what their future education plans look like in the application. 

When evaluating applications, consideration will be given to those students who: 

 * are able to demonstrate a personal commitment to achieving the highest attainable personal level of academic performance;

 * have generally applied themselves to the best of their ability in high school, either by participation in activities, the arts, sports, or in the community, and while engaging in these endeavors, shown characteristics of service and good citizenship, and demonstrated good attendance;

 * to the extent a student was not capable, permitted, or otherwise limited from participation in the above, the TSO encourages the submission of a limited written narrative in the space provided to explain the student’s personal circumstances in this regard. 

The student’s need for financial assistance will also be considered amongst all of the criteria, as it is important to the TSO to help students who have a financial need which may not be met by federal and state financial aid.

Congratulations to our 2023 TuHS TSO Scholarship recipients!

The TuHS TSO awarded five $1,000 scholarships to the Class of 2023 seniors. The scholarship winners were:


(Left to Right): Heather Hale Van-Kleek, TSO President,        Sherilyn Moreno-Guzman, Seth Kyllo, Marley Fercking, Glen James, Darney Motellang


Congratulations to our 2022 TuHS TSO Scholarship recipients!

The TuHS TSO awarded five $1,000 scholarships to the Class of 2022 seniors. The scholarship winners were: