The Old Spaghetti Factory Fundraiser

The Old Spaghetti Factory Fundraiser

The Old Spaghetti Factory

Hello, Tualatin High School families. Let’s eat out at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Sherwood!

When you place an online order at OSF.COM for pickup or delivery between April 19th and April 21st 2021 (1130AM-8PM) and use the code  TSO   at checkout, The Old Spaghetti Factory will graciously donate 10% of the total purchase price (pre-tax) to help support the Tualatin High School Timberwolf Support Organization.

Note: this offer is not valid for dine-in guests due to the pandemic and is only applicable to the Sherwood location.

Click here to download the flyer.

21192 SW Langer Farms Parkway, Sherwood, OR 97140


è un ottimo affare!